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Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis – CCICADA Research Group Lab Meeting



Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis – CCICADA Research Group Lab Meeting
Date/Time:  Thursday, May 11, 2017/12:15pm to 1:00pm

Computing Research & Education Building (CoRE), Busch Campus, Rutgers, the State University of NJ
4th Floor Conference Room – 433


Honggang Wang, Assistant Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University

Title: Data Driven Analysis and Retrospective Optimization for Energy and Resources Systems

Abstract: I will first present R-SPLINE (Retrospective Optimization using Simplex Linear Interpolation and Neighborhood Evaluation) for decision making problems associated with complex stochastic systems with integer decision variables. R-SPLINE is an optimization framework with sequential sample-average (data-driven) approximations and guarantees almost-sure convergence under certain conditions. R-SPLINE has been extended for other simulation optimization problems with mixed integer variables or categorical variables. I will also talk about new multi-objective optimization ideas using ZIGZAG search for multi-criteria decision making problems under systems uncertainty. I will present numerical studies applying R-SPLINE and ZIGZAG to application problems in oil/gas field development, carbon sequestration, smart grid, and power systems. The R-SPLINE and ZIGZAG algorithms are general and can be applied for many stochastic modeling and optimization problems including those associated with national security systems.

Bio: Professor Wong received his Bachelor of Science degree in Power Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 1996, Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering from University of Missouri-Rolla, in 2004, and Ph.D. in Operations Research from Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, in 2009. He had worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University for two years before he joined Rutgers, NJ in 2011. Dr. Wang has won IBM faculty award 2012 and faculty award from Tracy Energy LLC in 2016 for his work in oil/gas projects. He has won 2016 best paper award at Geothermal Research Council annual meeting, Sacramento CA.

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