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In this issue of Homeland Security News, we explain how CCICADA researchers and their partners are using advanced data analysis to: 1) discourage hoax marine-distress calls, 2) enhance security at sports stadiums by randomizing security protocols, and 3) create Information Sharing Environments to help police fight crime and terror.
Our lead story explains how CCICADA partner Carnegie Mellon University is using voice forensics to create “voice prints” designed to help the US Coast Guard identify and prosecute hoax Mayday callers.
In other stories:
- Security-Protocol Randomization – CCICADA researchers are studying how to enhance security at sports stadiums by making inspection protocols and other security procedures unpredictable through various types of randomizations. Read
- Law-Enforcement Information Sharing – CCICADA researchers are part of a national initiative called Project Interoperability that is giving law enforcement and other agencies the know-how and tools to fight crime and terror by sharing information quickly and securely online. Read
We encourage you to share our newsletter with your colleagues or professional network. We welcome your comments or questions.
If you are with one of CCICADA’s partner institutions, we encourage you to contribute a story about your work to a future issue of this newsletter. Please contact Managing Director Jim Wojtowicz if you wish to make a submission.
Margaret (Midge) Cozzens, CCICADA Education and Communications Director
James Wojtowicz, CCICADA Managing Director